Sunday, May 31, 2009

Updates and a Giveaway!

I have only done a little stitching this week. I have actually been doing some designing! I am really enjoying it but it is a lot of work! My mind does not like being very creative at times!

I have to share something really exciting to me! Jenna has stitched my design! She has stitched the 4th of July freebie that I done and it looks fabulous! I just can not believe that someone actually stitched something I designed! How awesome is that? So go visit her blog and check it out!

I have discovered this week that I truly enjoy stitching quaker designs. I do have a small one that I have completed and I enjoyed stitching every single second of it, you can see it below!! If you like quaker designs and have not heard about the awesome SAL upcoming up, then you gotta visit this blog and find out about it!! This is an amazing design that is going to be so awesome to be able to stitch for FREE, it is truly stitching a bit of history! The link will take you to the post about the SAL and then you can read the blog some and read updates on it. The first part of the design should be available Monday! And here is my small finish!I have also started stitching another piece. This is just a sneak peak as it is one of my new designs and after this peak you will have to wait until I release the design! It is not a big one, so hopefully I can get it done in the next several days.I did get some mail this week! I had won several giveaways a few weeks ago and I received one of them this week! Thanks so much to Erin for this great new chart! I also appreciate the 18 count and it will get used for sure! Thanks so very much.As I said above, I have won several giveaways lately and now it is time to return the favor!! This giveaway is going to be a bit different than most though. I would truly love to hear from every single one of you what you would like to see in my upcoming designs. I want to know what other stitcher's are looking for in designs so that I create things that others will like. My designs will not be real large pieces. I personally don't like to stitch large designs as I get board with them to easy. Since I will need to stitch my designs before offering them for sale, I will need to stitch them first which means that they will not be large. That would be horrible to design things that I would not like to stitch myself. Right?

So anyway, for everyone who leaves a comment on THIS POST and lets me know what they like to stitch and what they are looking for will be entered to win. I really want to know what other stitcher's are looking for so that I can try and design what I know people will want! So the more you wanna share with me, the better! And if you are a designer and have any tips, I would love to hear from you as well!

So do you wanna know what the prize is? It is going to be a surprise! I will tell you JUST ONE thing that will be a part of the prize . . . A brand new design that will be made with the winner in mind! Yep, I will design a piece special for the person who wins the drawing! So who knows what it might be!

I would like to ask that everyone who enters the drawing mention this giveaway on your blog and direct them to this post on my blog! I know that the more people the less of a chance you have to win so, if you direct others back to my blog you will get an extra entry!

Oh ya, and by the way I have created a blog that will be just for my designs. There are several freebies posted on there now. So GO HERE to check it out!

Well I think that is about it for now! I do want to tell you all that leave comments I am sorry for not responding back lately! I appreciate every single visitor to my blog and those who leave comments are just awesome! Thank you all so much!

Happy Stitching,
Cindy Mae

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Progress and a Thank You!

Thank you all so very much for your comments on my design. I do hope that you were all very honest with me because if not you will have to be looking at horrible designs coming soon! I do plan to keep going and see where it leads! So, thank you all so very much, you have no idea how you good you made me all feel about it.

I have done a little stitching this week. I got two ATC's made and ready to be mailed so I can not show those until they reach their destination's! I have made some decent progress on WW. I love this pattern, it is so fun to stitch!I am working on getting a LK design ready to stitch for my upcoming exchange! I have the pattern picked out, which will be one of LK's freebies but not sure how I will be finishing it yet.

My husband and son had a fun Saturday. My DH is wanting to learn to make handmade bows. He don't really have any of the tools or anything but he decided that he would make DS a bow and just have a good time. The finished product turned out pretty good! DS loves it! Hubby even found a stick to make an "arrow".Now it is time for a laugh. I was looking through some of my fabric that I don't get into very often and come across something pretty funny! I found my very first cross stitch item! LOL, it is totally awful! None of my stitches went in the right direction or anything. I have seen many people stitch something for the first time and it look pretty great, but not this!! I TRIED to teach myself and did not have anyone around that knew anything about cross stitch and so that is my excuse! LOL Anyway, here it is, please don't laugh to hard!I want to wish all of those who celebrate Memorial Day here in the US a wonderful and Blessed day. If you plan to travel any, please stay safe! Just remember all those brave men and women who have served for this country!

I pray that you all have a wonderful and Blessed weekend and week!

Happy Stitching,
Cindy Mae

Monday, May 18, 2009

I Need Feedback - Free 4th of July Pattern

Ok, I need some serious honesty here. Please don't worry about hurting feelings here because I truly want honesty! After my hubby designed that little Halloween ornie I got an itch to try designing something. So I brainstormed, which I am not good at, and came up with the idea of a stitched ornament tree with ornaments stitched as well. Depending on the response that I get from you all will decide if I will continue the set which will include one for holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and Valentines. So here is the first one, if you do like it please feel free to take it and print it and stitch it. If you do stitch it I would love to see it finished as well.

If you think that this pattern does not stand a chance, lol, then please be honest and let me know. I have always wanted to give designing a try and if you tell me its no good, I will keep trying! But you don't have to be brutal about it, LOL!!!!
I was also wondering if anyone knows where I can get any quaker freebies. I have never stitched anything Quaker and am really wanting to but want to start with a freebie and something kind of small! Thanks in advance!

Thanks everyone!!

Happy Stitching,
Cindy Mae

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Free Halloween Cross Stitch Design

My husband decided the other night that he wanted to design a cross stitch pattern. He thought !about it for a while and decided on a Halloween Ornie! It is a really simple but cute design. I do ask that if you take this design and use it that you email me your finish! I think that it would be great to see everyone's finished product and would love to see how some of you magnificent finishers finish it! So you can email your finish to the email provided in my profile!

And of course I had to stitch it but I have not finish finished it yet!

You should be able to click on the pattern to make it larger!
I have made my weekly regular update as well, it is below this post!

Have a great week!
Happy Stitching,
Cindy Mae

I Don't Look To Good!

Well my Saturday started off as a really nice day. It was nice and cool out and raining and we need rain so badly and I just love those rainy days. I had to work until noon but did not mind as the bosses were out of town! LOL I took my stitching with me and was prepared to enjoy a nice and slow Saturday morning at work stitching and watching HULU. All was going well until I remembered that the window were not all the way up on the car and the rain was getting heavy. So I took off outside and on my way back in my feet went right out from under me and I hit the floor! HARD!! My entire left side is sore and bruised up. I hit the left side of my face on the concrete and my head bounced . . . I think! I thought that it broke my glasses but luckily I was able to bend them back without breaking them. So anyway, I am not looking to good right now but it could look a lot worse. So I was not able to finish the movie I was watching and stitching just did not go well after that. But I am good now, a bit sore but nothing I can not deal with.

I want to thank all of my dear friends here who sent well wishes and prayers for my mom and my dad. My mom is doing well now and thank God, everything is back on track with her heart. My dad is still awaiting some test results, so please continue to pray for him.

I did get a bit of stitching done this week! A very dear friend of mine celebrated her birthday Thursday so of course I stitched her a little something. Here it is stitched and then framed.

Here is my progress on WestWinds. I would have gotten even more done on this if I would not have taken that fall Saturday morning! But oh well!I want to say a special thank you to Marige! She has given me an award and this is actually the second time that it has been awarded to me. So, Margie since I have already received it once I will not pass it on this time but want you to know how much it means to me that you thought of me for this very special award.

Well, I think that is about all for me at this time. I hope that you all are having a wonderful weekend and that you have a fantastic week as well!!

Happy Stitching,
Cindy Mae

Friday, May 8, 2009

Mothers Day and More!

First of all I want to wish all you moms out there a wonderful and Blessed Mother's day!! My son brought home the Mother's day gift that they made at school and just could not wait to give it to me! LOL The pic is below, too cute! The green with white and orange flower is actually a CD cover that they decorated. There is also a CD inside with about 4 songs on it. Two of the songs are by Alvin and the Chipmunks and the other two I am not sure about. Must be music his teacher likes! The other one you should be able to read if you click and make it bigger. You can see that it has a tea bag in it. Well . . . had a tea bag in it. John thought that he needed to drink that! LOL Kids are so cute!!
Stitching this week has been a little slow. I did complete the stitching for an ornament for "Stitching for a Cure". I have not finish finished it yet though. The pic is not that good and does not do the colors justice! I am also about half done with the next one. It is just like this one but a little different colors and I am stitching it on perforated paper. It is the first thing that I have ever stitching on the paper and am really liking it. I made to little progress on WW to show this week but maybe next week will hold an update with it.

I joined the new Lizzie Kate exchange and I am so excited about it! So I went through all my Lizzie patterns and decided that I did not have enough! LOL I went searching and have ended up adding to my wish list! I just love her designs!

I have received all but one ATC from the exchange that I joined on the WOCS message boards. Not sure I will be receiving that last one, but oh well. I love the ones that I did receive!! Anyway, I wanted to find a way to display them all and since I just loved the way The Collector
piece came out in the front of my stitching notebook, I decided to do the same with these! I had a smaller notebook that has a ton of smalls and freebies in it so I thought the small ATC's would be a great way to decorate it. This is the front:
This is the back: Now this that is on the back is from one person, Paulie. She stitched the card and birthday ATC and her granddaughter stitched the fairy! Isn't that just the coolest!

And here is our newest mommy in the family. This is Jazmyn! This is my precious baby! Unfortunately that is just what she is. She is only about 8 months old and just had a litter. We did not even know that she was ever in heat! I was so worried about her during this pregnancy. She is so small and young and I was afraid she would have some issues. She only had 3 and one did not make it. The one that did not make it was very large compared to these two that did make it. She did not even know what to do at first, but with my guidance she has become an excellent mommy. The bad news is that it is going to be very hard to get rid of them. With only two and the way that she loves them . . . I donno, we will see what happens!

Lastly, I would like to ask you all to please keep my mom and dad in your thoughts and prayers. Mom and Dad are divorced and are both remarried but they are both having some health issues right now. Both of them are having issues that could end up being serious, so please pray for them.

Well that is about it for this time!!! As always, thank you so much for all the wonderful comments that you leave. I don't seem to have the time to respond to each one, but please know that I read each and every single one and I love getting them!!!

Happy stitching,
Cindy Mae

Friday, May 1, 2009

Two Giveaways! Check Them Out!

I just entered a contest to win the cutest bunny!
Her name is Bonnie and you gotta go check her out!!
Click here for the details!

I have also just found blog that is new to me and her work is amazing! Steph is giving away some awesome blog candy on for reaching 10,000 hits! You gotta check this one out!!

Happy Stitching,
Cindy Mae

Happy Dance & Last Chance

Today is May 1st and it is the last day to sign up for the year long ATC birthday exchange for stitching bloggers! ATC's are lots of fun and very quick to make. So GO HERE and check it out and sign up today!!!

Now on to the happy dancing!!! I finished Wedding Spot for my brother and new wife. I am thrilled with the way it turned out! I found the perfect frame for it as well!! The pictures just don't do this piece justice. Of course, the lighting in my house and cheep camera don't help! LOL I can not wait to get it shipped off to them. Hopefully this next week it will be leaving Texas and headed to Alaska!

I don't really have a lot of stitching pieces that have been made for myself. And as most of you know a couple weeks ago I posted about wanting a wall covered with stitching, mine as well as others work. Well I have went ahead and started that wall. I love it so far! Everything is small pieces but hey, its still a start! The owl is actually my MIL's and she said that she would love for it to hang with the rest of my stitching so more people could see it. The rose and the welcome are actually my grandmother's but since she has moved into the nursing home, they have been returned to me.

Here is another wall in my living room. I call this my Faith wall. It is growing slowly but I still love it as well! The only thing that I don't like about either wall is the paneling! I am so sick of that paneling but we just don't have the funds to change it right now.

Well guess that is about it for now! I pray that everyone stays healthy through all this flu scare stuff!!!

Happy Stitching,
Cindy Mae

PS: Don't forget to sign up for the ATC birthday exchange today, last chance!!!!!