Monday, October 26, 2009

What is it with people??????

It is just here in this area or are people getting more grumpy all the time. I hate it when people act all upset and don't smile and just act plain rude! It seems like almost everywhere I go anymore, the people are just rude!! They don't even try and smile and be kind. They just do what they have to do to get by and act like you are in their way and I am not just talking about people like cashiers and thing but even other shoppers or customers are that way. Everyone always seems to just not care about anything or anyone around them. Are they that un happy??? If so, I feel for them!!! No matter what is going on in my life, I always try and smile and be kind wherever I am at. I have always been the type that when I am out, I try and make others smile. Even that is getting hard!!

Ok, enough ranting for now!! LOL, sorry bout that!! Just had to get that off my chest!

I have finished a couple ornies for exchanges this week. I have also finished my "Four Friends" piece. Not only finished stitching it, but also finished finishing it too!! I am pleased and hope that Hazel is too! I will get everything that needs mailing out on Thursday. I have one more ornie that I am finishing up and then an ATC to stitch as well.

I would like to join a monthly ornament exchange. Does anyone know of one that will start in January? I am completely hooked on ornies right now! I love 'em! If you do, please let me know so that I can join.

I finally learned how to make my own cording as well and have been practicing with finishing with it. I am thrilled. Without any kind of craft shop near me, cording is one of those things I struggle with. I like it to match and now that I can make my own out of some of the floss that I use, I am good to go!!!

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Meari said...

I think people are just so busy that they are in a hurry to get their errands whatnot done, so they don't take time to smile, etc.

I make my own cording, too. It's really handy, isn't it?

Lisa V said...

I totally agree about the grumpies!
How are you doing the cording, have you bought a gadget?

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

Hi Cindy Mae :)
My friend Terry has a seasonal ornie exchange here:

Robin said...

I think Meari's right....people are just busy and pre-occupied with whatever is going on in their lives. I started doing something different. A kind of random act of kindness thing. You know when you checkout and the girl at the register extolls her automated "have a nice day"? Well, I return it with....
"You have a good day too". or similar. You should see the reaction. The other person actually comes out of their trance! Try it. It is fun to see reactions.

Shari said...

I agree as well....always in a hurry. When I am in Aldi, if the person behind me only has a couple items, I always say they can go ahead of me. They are usually shocked! They aren't used to someone being nice!
I see Vonna had an ornament exchange name for you. Cool! I thought that sounded like a great idea!

Yoyo said...

I am happy to send you a great big smile :) Being as home bound as I am I don't get to share a smile with too many people, so I'll send you one every day.

I got tired of using up all my DMC on cording so I've been getting 'yarn' type fibers to use for cording. I purchase regular yarn that you can get at the discount stores and some specialty yarns at my LNS because they come in smaller skeins. These 'thicker' fibers go really far when making them into cording -- pick some up when you see a sale and give it a try.

We'd be happy to welcome you to our Stitching Exchanging group, although it's not monthly or strickly ornies, we're having lots of fun.

and one more :)

Bonnie said...

I know what you mean by rude people. Most people that come in the airport shop where I work are nice, but if you find just one it sours the whole day. Usually they get angry at the airlines and are in a bad mood when they come in. lol.
Thanks for your comment on my Just Nan.

Laural said...

Ugh! I totally agree. Unfortunately it's always like that around here :( It's like the sunshine going away has robbed everyone of happiness or something.

Great job on learning how to make cording! I always love how it looks when I see people make it (I don't know how)

Branlaadee said...

I never pay attention to the grumpies, or if I do, I smile and say hi. I must have a friendly face, because I cant go to a store and not have a dozen people ask me for help finding or getting something off the shelf. I even spent 20 minutes the other day talking to a nice old lady who's family doesnt have time for her. :( Poor thing!

I'd love to see how you make the cording! It'd be so convient for me. I make ornaments for my family every year.

Rachel S-H said...

How do you do the cording. Mine always looks so lumpy.

Anonymous said...

Try not to let those people get to you. Maybe they are having a bad day or maybe they are late for work. All I know is I always smile when I see someone. I always tell the cashier thank you and have a nice day. Just the way I am. If they are just down right mean I just remind myself I am thankful I don't have to live with them.

tkdquintmom said...

I have to agree that I think it'e everywhere lately. Economy, money (lack there of), no's sad. I try to ignore them but it's hard. I keep smiling too no matter what my problems are because I don't want to be a part of that myself! :)

Nita said...

I try to give positive reinforcement when someone is being nice - I tell them, "You have brightened my day!".
On stitching, try looking at (shameless self-promotion). It's not monthly, but rather every other month, and it's not just ornaments, but different "smalls". Come on by and check it out.

Angela said...

It's everywhere, there's grumpy people who are just plain rude in Canada too :) I just ignore it and carry on with my life and smile. Treat others the way you want to be treated yourself that is my motto :)

Jules said...

People are just plain grumpy nowadays. I think it's because of the fast lifestyles we live (all the technology). I do want to add that when I come across rude CSRs (customer service reps) I want to ask "Whatever happened to good customer service?". I mean, c'mon! They have chosen that profession, whether it is a temporary thing or a career path, and they really need to realise that customers respond to their quality of service! For example, I was recently at a store and the clerk was more interested in her telephone conversation than checking my out so I could leave.