Hey everyone! Once again sorry that I am so behind on all my blog reading BUT I do have a good excuse!!! I have been working on getting my shop all set up for selling my designs! My friend Dottie has really gotten her stitch on in the last couple days and is getting her stitching finished and I have gotten all of mine done. If you would like to help me out it would be great it you would help spread the word!!! You have no idea how appreciative I would be if you posted on your blog about the opening of my store and suggested people visit my store at cindymaedesigns.com Anyway, after the grand opening I should have a bit more time and be able to get caught up on my blog reading and commenting. I miss visiting you all and leaving comments. It is sad but the real reason that I don't have that much time to visit blogs is because I am not working anymore. Sounds a little backwards huh? LOL The office that I worked in was very slow though and I had a lot of time to visit and comment on your blogs. Since I am not working I have to share computer time with the family and since hubby and daughter are both computer junkies . . . I don't have much time! LOLAnyway, I will stop rambling for now! Hope you all have a wonderful week! Happy Stitching,Cindy Mae
I had my husband draw a winner for this giveaway. All those who posted a blog entry mentioning my giveaway was entered a second time. I tried to take pics of my husband doing the drawing but no batteries! Grrrr. So, I decided to go ahead and post the winner even though I don't have a pic to show the drawing in action! LOL
So the winner of my giveaway is RANAE!!!! Congrats Ranae! If you could please drop me an email with your snail mail addy, that would be great!
Now part of the prize is for me to design a pattern that Ranae will like. She mentioned quaker halloween, and I have never done quaker designs but I might have to see what I can come up with!
Hello everyone! After my son and my mother in law ( I am her main care taker) being sick as well as a few other things this past week, I feel so out of touch!!! I am still working on getting caught up on my blog reading and I am making a dent in it but then all start updating and the dent has been repaired! LOL, just kidding I love all the updates! The more you update, the more I feel I get to know you all! I just love blogging!
So anyway, I have been stitching like crazy on my models for my upcoming release on my designs! I was going to start with 5 but have bumped it up to 7 to open my online shop. I have 3 models complete and a friend of mine, Dottie is helping me out and has 2 complete. With the my first designs there will be a Series introduced. This series will be things to stitch for gifts and exchanges and things like that. I am still thinking of a good name for the series. Each series will have 3 or 4 designs. Any idea on a name for the series? I had thought about "Gifties, Series ?" but not sure how that sounds! Many will be happy to hear that there will also be two Halloween designs among other things!
I have been trying to figure out if I have a particular style or certain things that I like to create, but I don't think that I really do. Not sure if that is a bad thing or not. I mean my designs are all simple and easy stitch, so I guess that counts. LOL
Ok, I am chattery and guess I better stop but before I do, DON'T FORGET ABOUT THE GIVEAWAY!!! I am going to do the drawing on the 23rd! So make sure and sign up if you have not already done so! Also make sure and mention it on your blog for a second entry. Many of you have got that second entry already but feel free to continue to spread the word! The more entries the better!!!
If you are still with me after all that rambling, I thank you very much! Hope you have a great weekend!!
Happy Stitching,
Cindy Mae
Thank you all for your thoughtful comments and for those who prayed for my son. I am very happy to report that he is doing much better now! He has still been having some headaches off and on but the rash, fever and all the other stuff is now gone.
I really don't have a lot to report stitching wise right now. Have been doing some but it has just been the model stitching of my designs and I have not taken any pics yet. So, those are to come.
I have been a little busy creating a web site for my designing. I am really happy with the way it is turning out. I am still working on it and at first will not have a cart and check out or anything like that but there are other ways of taking care of business. The banner at the top of this page will take you there or you can just click here! Check it out and if you have any ideas for improvement, I would love to hear it!!
I do hope that you will all forgive me for not commenting on your blogs lately! Things have just been crazy around here and with me trying to get things going for my designing business I have not had a lot of time to visit blogs and when I do, I am not taking time to leave comments. So please know, that I have been to your blogs to visit, just have not had time to comment! I have even found a few new blogs and have not even had time to comment on theirs. So anyway, please forgive me, but know that I am keeping tabs on you all! LOL
Well that is about all this time around. Hopefully the next post will include pics!!!
Happy Stitching!
Cindy Mae
This week has been crazy. My son has been a sick baby. I say baby but he is 7 years old, but when he is sick like that he is my baby! LOL Anyway, after a couple trips to the doctor we FINALLY figured out that it was Strep Throat and Scarlet Fever! NOT FUN!!! Although I do thank God that it was not Meningitis!!! Even so, my son has been so miserable! His limp nodes where so swollen that his neck has been hurting for days. He has not been able to move it from side to side or up and down. One side you can even see the swelling with out looking for it! I took a couple snaps of him and his rash.
He is feeling better now. He has not ran a high fever all day and the rash is actually almost gone. His neck still hurts but is getting better. He finally ate food today so that was a major mile stone.
So, if you have noticed that I am behind on my blog reading, you are very right!!! I will get around to getting caught up in the next few days!!
I have made a couple new post on my design blog! One of them is a pic of my first model piece finished. And the other is a NEW FREEBIE!! Yes, another 4th of July piece but this one is designed to be finished into an ornament or pin cushion, something like that. It has a front and back and I think that it is really cute and hope you like it too!! While there make sure and sign up as a follower so you will always be the first to know about my designing adventure! LOL
Also don't forget about my upcoming giveaway! Check out this post for more info! Pass it on and get a second entry!!!
Well that is about it this time around. Sorry no other stitching to show this week but my model piece is all the stitching time I had. But I enjoyed stitching it, so thats ok! Pray that you all have a wonderful and Blessed week!
Happy Stitching,
Cindy Mae