Looky looky what I got for Christmas!!!! I know, I know, I am always complaining about never getting snow here in West Texas and of course never having a white Christmas, but guess what we woke up to on Christmas Eve!!

I finished one more ornie on the 22nd and gave to my mom as part of her Christmas. It is the Brittercup Designs out of the JCS ornie edition this year. I took off the words and added my own touch though.

The first giveaway goes straight to JULIE!!!!! Congrats Julie, I will email you soon!!!
The second giveaway which was the religious themes items goes to SUE!!!!! Congrats to you too Sue!!! I will email you shortly as well.
Now Ladies, both of these prizes included something stitched and finished by me. So, it may take me a week or two to get these mailed out!
Well that it about it for me this time around. I hope that you all have a nice and relaxing weekend filled with stitching!