I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving that was full of many many blessings! As for me . . .we had a wonderful day and it was indeed full of many many blessings. My mom fixed an enormous meal with all the wonderful goodies. My oldest brother and his wife and son were in from Austin. Since they will not be able to be here for Christmas we went ahead and had Christmas with them as well which just added to the fun! My dad and my second mom came over and joined us for the wonderful meal and we just all enjoyed our time together.
It was also my moms birthday and so we had homemade German Chocolate cake for the birthday cake that was just superliscous!! A couple weeks ago, my son asked me to design and stitch something with the part of the Bible verse that reads "With God anything is possible" and so I did and got his all stitched up. Forgot to get a pic, but will post it next time. I ended up stitching it several times though and gave one to my mom, one to my brother and SIL and then one to my nephew. I done my moms in purple and here it is:
Below is the others. My nephews is the one stitched in green and my brother and SIL is the one is red: (my finishing was not near as good on them because I did not leave enough fabric to work with though)
I also stitched my SIL this little Britty Kitty from the JCS ornie issue from a couple years ago:
In other stitching news I have also finished a gift for a dear stitching friend but can not show it off yet as well as got the finishing done on the piece for the Lizzie Kate Exchange. I have had so much going on that this was the only exchange I joined this year. Sure am gonna miss getting several wonderful stitching exchange packages in the mail this year! That's ok, next year it will be on!!!! LOL
Welp, that is about it for this time around. Also want to let you all know that I have been visiting your blogs, just have not been having enough time to leave comments on all of them. I know how much I love getting comments and hate when I can not leave them but since I am following over 200 blogs now, it get a bit hard at times!
Hope you all have a great weekend!!