This week has just been one of those weeks. Both of my kids missed two days of school due to being sick. They are back up and going now though. Since I am taking care of my great nephew now, it has made things seem even more crazy. Even though it has only been about 7 years, I forgot what work a little one is! With both of my kids home sick and a six month old hanging around . . . I am tired! LOL
I got permission to post some pics of Adam (my great nephew) on my blog, so here he is. He has stolen my heart! He is a really good baby and has such a cute smile.
I have not had much stitching time at all this past week!! Since I don't have any stitching photos I will post some other photos. I don't share a lot about my family on here but I do SO LOVE to hear about everyone else's family. I love to hear about and see pics of all my stitching friends and their families and feel like I get to know them better, so I have decided that I am going to start sharing more with you. So, here is a couple pics of my kiddos! Now my daughter Candice don't like her picture taken much, at least not by me! LOL so, in this first pic, you can see she is getting a little frustrated with me trying to get a good pic! LOL Too funny!
Caught her in a good laugh here!
My son John playing in the dirt!
and climbing trees, he loved to climb trees!!!
Another thing that had me a bit worried this past week is Romo (our Chocolate lab). One morning we woke to him looking like this:
Now Romo does not normaly look like this, of course. He normally looks like this:
We still have no idea what happened. At first we thought maybe a snake bite, but there is no signs of a bite of any kind. So we gave him Benadryl several times and it started going down. He is almost normal now. We still are not sure what happened to him, but just very happy he is doing well now!
Remeber several months ago my kitty Jazzy had 2 kittens and we kept them because we could not find them a new home and we just grew too attached to them. So we have Jazzy, Ratty, and Twister. Well before she was even done breast feeding them she went into heat and guess what. We have 5 more kittens living under our bed now as of the night before last! Grrrr!!! Thankfully, I think that I have already found them all five homes, finger's crossed!!! And remember Belle, our little dog . . . yep you guessed it . . . before we could afford to get her fixed she went off and got knocked up again. On 9/11 she delivered 7 puppies which are living in my sons closet! They are normally easy to find new homes for though, so hopefully they will all be gone with a day or two of being weened just as the kittens. I will try and post pics of them all this following week.
Oh my goodness, I almost forgot . . . it is TUSAL update time!! My vase that I was using got broke by Ratty! So, I found something else to put my strings in!
Well that is about it for this time around. I am working on getting my blog roll list up to date! It is way out of date, so if you are not listed there . . . hopefully by the end of this week you will be!!! Hope everyone has a wonderful and Blessed weekend!!