Friday, August 21, 2009

I am so in Love!!!

First of all I have to explain the title of this post! It is true, I am in love and not with just my husband! I am also totally in love with evenweaves!! I have been forcing myself to stitch more on the evenweaves lately and just love them!!! The 28 count linen is great too. Not really comfortable with the higher count in the linen yet though. I don't have a lot of evenweave and lines though so I am still having to use some 18 count Aida for now. I still like the easiness to cutting and fraying the edges of the Aida so it is perfect for cards, ATC's and anything that I want frayed but even then it is getting so that it don't "feel" right to stitch on! LOL So, this means that when I ever have a chance to get out of town and actually have money to spend, I gotta start watching for those sales on evenweave!

I have gotten some stitching done lately even with all the hospital and medical stuff going on with hubby. Most of it has been model stitching though. I do have a teaser pic though.There will be three patterns in this set. I am not sure of a title yet, but it will probably be called the Shooting Star Collection or Wish upon a Shooting Star. And it may end up being something totally different by the time I make up my mind. LOL One of the patterns included is a sampler. This set will be released in September!

The others that I have been working on is for Ranae for winning the drawing that I held way back in May or June. I feel horrible that it has taken me so long to get this prize to her. She won a pattern that I designed for her. I actually ended up liking this so much that the set will be released for sale next month and the pattern will state that it was inspired by Ranae. She will receive the pattern in print as well as stitched and finished by me with who knows what else! Anyway, Ranae, if you are reading this, I am so sorry that it is taking so long!! I promise that I am almost done and will get this in the mail to you soon!!!!

I have also made some progress on this months freebie from The Holy Needle.It is TUSAL update time! It does not look like a lot from last time but that is because I had to squash it down some! LOLI have to tell Donna that I am really sorry that I have not gotten my ornaments in the mail for Stitching for a Cure! I did find the ornament that I had started on the perforated paper though. So I am going to finish it up so that I can mail both at one time. Now I have to say that I was not happy with the way that I finished the first one up. I thought it look really bad. So, after my mom gave me my sewing machine, I decided to change it up a bit and I am happier with it now!
I want to mention a couple of awesome giveaways! There is a great giveaway over at Vonna's!!! She is holding a drawing to win a couple items that she has stitched and finished. They are wonderful and even though I don't want anymore competition at winning them because I would love to have them, I thought that I better pass it on anyway! LOL!!! There is also a awesome giveaway going on over at The Daily Me. Now this is another fantastic giveaway with a ton of great stitching goodies up for grabs!!! Check them out!

Now, I will leave you with a couple photos of our fur babies! Romo has such a huge smile on his face. I think he has really gotten to were he likes his picture taken! LOLRemember the kittens that my baby Jazmyn had a while back. I tried for weeks to find them a new home and it was impossible. I tried everything, including going and sitting with them in front of Wal-Mart. Nothing worked so we decided that they were just destine to be our cats. So, this is Twister and Ratatouille (Ratty). Twister is the black and white one and he is really laid back and calm. Ratty on the other hand is a mess! He LOVES food and loves to eat, thus his name! LOL We love that movie!Sorry for such a long post! Once again, thank you all so much for the wonderful comments and the support for my husband. It truly means a lot to me. You are all such wonderful friends, true blessings from God!!!

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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

It Was Worse Than We Expected!!

Well, we are home from the hospital and my husband is doing great, except for being absolutely give out! As the title says, it was worse than we expected though, but they were able to fix him up with stents. He ended up having to have 3 stents put in, making him have a total of 4 now. (only 31 years old) We were expecting one . . . maybe two but not 3! The right coronary artery was 100% clogged and 1 stent took care of that one! There was absolutely nothing going through there at all! I wish I had a scanner, I would show you all the pictures that the doc gave us of before and after, it is amazing! Anyway, then the left coronary artery was clogged in two different places. The top was 70% clogged and the bottom part was 50% clogged and that required 2 stents. The stent that he received in 2005 when he had the heart attack was placed in the circumflex artery and it was working great. That was the only artery getting a good blood flow through it, which as you can tell from the pic below is a very small artery compared to the rest and gets its flow from the top part of the left coronary artery!! So we are very blessed that we were able to find this all out and get it taken care of! I got this image from the Texas Heart Institute. So, even though it was worse than we expected, he is all fixed up now and his heart is in great shape. There is a little damage to the bottom of his heart from the heart attack and a bit on the top from this blockage but that can be improved over time!! We are so thankful that we were able to get all this done and that the hospital and doctor are working with us on the financial end!! They have been amazing as far as that goes. The nurses were all amazing and wonderful as well!

I just can not put into words how thankful I am that we got this done and was able to prevent another heart attack!!! If he would of had another heart attack, the doc said that IF he would have lived through it, we would have been looking at open heart surgery instead of stent placement.

So anyway, I just want to thank you all so very much for your kind words, your encouragement and most of all your thoughts and prayers!!

I am over 350 blog post behind according to Google Reader . . . EEEEEeeeeek!! So, please do not have your feelings hurt if once again you do not have comments from me for the last weeks updates on your blog!!! I will get around to getting caught up on reading all of your blogs but the commenting may not!!

Again, thank you all for being so wonderful!!!

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Sunday, August 16, 2009

Tuesday is the BIG Day!!!

Hello all my dear stitching friends!!! I figured that I better get off my booty and give you guys an update on things!!!

The doctor appointment went great for my hubby Friday. We where hoping that this doctor would have a "Lets get this taken care of now" attitude instead of the "Lets do a ton of expensive test and then end up doing a heart cath anyway" attitude. Guess what, he had the lets get it done attitude and we go in on Tuesday morning for the Heat Cath. If there are any problems they will hopefully be able to get them fixed while they are in there looking around unless of course it requires more than stints or something! Back in 2005 when DH had the heart attack the artery causing the attack was 100% clogged but there was another that was 80% clogged that the doctor did not fix!!????!!!???!! This is one reason we do not go to that doctor anymore. So we are praying that stints will be all that is required! Thank you all so much for your prayers and thoughts and I ask that you continue to do pray for us!!!

On the stitching front . . . I have decided that I need to stitch something for pure pleasure for just a bit. Something that is for DH and I, instead of a model of one of my designs, so I have picked a new design and got it all kitted up last night and started stitching it. I should be able to have stitched in several days time. It is the new freebie from The Holy Needle. Given everything that we are going through, this verse/saying is just perfect and something that we must remember!!!!!
Here is a progress pic. Sorry it is not very good. My daughter has her camera with her and she is away staying with my dad and his wife. So, I had to use my phone!I have made some updates to my web site! I have improved it greatly due to Sandra from Joyful Expressions. She has been doing this for a while and has given me some great suggestions to improve me web site. She is the reason that I decided to offer PDF's of my designs. These are now available for Instant download!!! Yep, as soon as you make your payment, you will receive access to the PDF file!!!! I have also included the stitched area size on each description. Another great suggestion that she had for me is to include Anchor thread colors on my patterns. So, I am in the process of doing that!!!! I think Sandra so much for all the help she is offering me.

I also want to thank Lisa! Lisa has been so wonderful to me. She is willing to stitch just about anything for me and has offered a lot of great suggestions for me to build up my customer's. She is such a dear and special friend as well. If you do not visit her blog, you gotta! She does such beautiful stitching and she has an awesome family!!!

I would also like to invite my Christian stitching friends to join a great yahoo group! All the ladies that I have gotten to know from this group are just awesome! Anna, the leader, is really working hard to build up the activity in the group and the members. So hop over there and check it out!!
Click to join christiancross_stitch

Click to join christiancross_stitch

Well I guess that is about it for now! I will update after Tuesday to let you know how things go with my husband procedure!!! Thank you all for the wonderful friendships and the thoughts and prayers! You are all so wonderful!!!

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Sunday, August 9, 2009

Hubby, LK, Giveaway and more!

Again, I want to thank each and everyone of you for your prayers and support for my husband and our situation. We have found a doctor that is willing to work with us on the money side of things and pray that he will be able to do some tests and give us some answers. We go see this doctor on Friday. It is a bit of a drive for us but it will be worth it. The sad thing is that I am broke and there are lots of hobby shops where we will be! LOL Oh, well . . . maybe next time!

Kathy received my Lizzie Kate exchange package and she loved it and that makes me incredibly happy! I stole the pic from her blog because it is soooo much better than my pic of it! LOL Anyway, I stitched the Live, Laugh, Love pattern of LK's which Kathy says is one of her favorites! I finished it into a pillow.I also have to share my other blog with you all. I feel that there are some of you who would like this blog and some who will not, and that is ok. Inspiration Korner is a blog that I have had for many years. I stopped posting on it the first of the year but I am being moved to start posting to this blog again. So, feel free to stop by and visit!

You gotta check out the awesome giveaway at Lori's!!! She has got a great lot goodies up for grabs, you don't want to miss it!!!

I have been doing some stitching but no pics of that at this time. I am working on one of my designs and have stitched a couple ATC's. Hopefully, I will remember pics before I send them out this time!

Well, that is all for this time around. Hope you are all having a great week!

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Friday, August 7, 2009

Finally . . . NEW Release's!

I have finally just put up new patterns for sale on my website!! Click here to visit now! Lisa done such a gorgeous job stitching both of these pieces for me!!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Update and a HUGE Thank you!

Thank you all so very much for all the prayers, thoughts and support!!! My husband and I both truly appreciate them all!!!

After spending several nights in the hospital and a couple at my moms house, we are now home. The hospital did not approve the angiogram so we were not able to have that done. We were told that at this point the only way to have something like that done is if he does in fact have another heart attack and it is done in an emergency case. So, at this time we are trying to find a way to have him treated with out insurance without having another life threatening heart attack first!

I got a great package in the mail today from my model stitcher Lisa and it is fantastic!!! She has stitched up one of my designs and made it into a pillow and I just love the way it turned out. She also included a DMC color chart for me as I did not have one! What a doll she is!!!!

I was hoping to be releasing 3 new designs this month, but it will only be two and it will be the two that Lisa has stitched for me. I was near done with the set that I am stitching but ran out of one of the colors and have not had a chance to order that color! So, that one will come next month!! Anyway, I hope to release my new ones in the next day or two!!!

I have over 300 post to catch up on according to Google reader, so if I miss several days worth of comments, it is cause I am trying to catch up and may not have much time for commenting but please know that I am reading and loving it all! I so enjoy reading each of your blogs and hearing about your families and seeing your stitching and crafting!

Well gotta go for now, once again, thank you all so very much for all your wonderful comments, prayers and thoughts!!! You are all truly special and dear to me!!!

Happy Stitching,
Cindy Mae

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Need Thoughts and Prayers!

Just stopping in really fast to ask you all to keep my husband in your thoughts and prayers. In 2005 at the age of 28 he had a massive heart attack. Since then he has had his ups and downs. Yesterday his blood pressure was very high and he started having severe chest pains. He is in the hospital now and they are looking at trying to do an Angeogram (sp??) tomorrow ( Monday) morning. We are praying that they do this so that we know where his health stands and what our next steps are. We have no insurance at all, and that poses a big problem in getting things done. So please keep us in your prayers and pray for the docs to make the right decisions!

Thank you all!!!